Welcome back to the 2025 school year. What a busy start it has been.
This is our first newsletter for 2025 and I would like to welcome everyone back to Madeley Primary School for Term 1. I hope all students and their families had a wonderful Christmas and holiday period. A special welcome our new students and staff. We would like to welcome our new teaching staff Mrs Hutchinson in both Kindy and Year 3, Miss Knox in Year 1, Ms Hoff in Year 3, Mrs Devenish-Krauth in Year 5, Miss Kolman in Year 6 and Mrs Dunn teaching Music this year. We would also like to welcome Miss Cross and Mrs Adonis who have joined our Education Assistants and a welcome back to Mrs Khoosal who joins us again as our librarian.
Chaplain: Today sees the last day we have Tania Malloch as our Chaplain. She is heading to work in a Pastoral Care role in her church and we wish her all the best. As of Week 4, we will have our new Chaplain, Jay East, joining us. We look forward to welcoming her to our school.
Meet and Greet: We hope you enjoyed the Meet and Greet at the beginning of the school year where students had the opportunity to bring in their booklist items and meet their teachers and settle into their classrooms. The feedback from staff and parents was again very positive.
Parent Interview Afternoon: Madeley Primary will be holding whole school Parent Teacher Interviews again this year, following the success of the event in 2024.
The Assistant Director of Education has approved Madeley Primary’s application to close the school early on April 3rd, enabling staff to conduct parent interviews throughout the afternoon until 6:00pm. Madeley will close, and students will be dismissed at 11:45am. Further communication will come out later in the term detailing how to book interview sessions.
NAPLAN: Students in Years 3 and 5 will be undertaking Practice NAPLAN assessments next week, in preparation for NAPLAN which will be held from 12th to the 24th March in 2025. Please ensure your children arrive at school on time, in order not to miss their testing schedule.
Parking: The safety of our students is critical to us at MPS. Safe and legal parking is an ongoing issue at our school; therefore we remind all parents to please do the right thing by driving and parking safely and legally around our school. Kiss-and-Drive bays are not for parking and should be vacated as quickly as possible to maintain the flow of traffic. Parking in the staff car park, disabled bays or on pathways or grass around the school is illegal and results in damage to our reticulation, safety concerns as well as damaged cars. Please be patient and wait until a car bay becomes available.
Student Absences: If your child is absent, please notify the school of the absence date, reason, and your name via text message only to 0437 419 118 before 8.30am. The office staff will put this information into our system. Please do not notify class teachers.
Family holidays during school term: We encourage families to take their holidays during the school term. However, we understand that occasionally there are extenuating circumstances where this is not possible. If parents are planning holidays during the term, parents are required to submit the Leave of Absence Request Form, two weeks prior to the absence. This form is found on our website under forms. This leave will then be reviewed by the principal prior to approval.
Early Arrivers:Please remember students are not to be arriving at school before 8.00am. All students who are at school before the classroom doors open at 8.20am MUST wait at the office being supervised by school staff, even if waiting with a parent. If students are arriving early on a Friday morning, they must head to the school oval to participate in the Running Club event from 8.00am until class doors open.
Uniforms: A reminder that all students must wear their school uniform at all times, including a broad-brimmed school hat at all lunch and recess times, in support of our ‘No Hat, No Play” policy. This policy is in place all year round. In addition, we ask that parents also ensure that all bike shorts are an acceptable length of mid- thigh to knee length. Shoulder length and longer hair must be tied up. Acceptable jewellery for students are studs and sleepers. Please label all uniform items to ensure that are returned if they are lost.
Students with Mobile Phones: It is not recommended that primary school children are regularly bringing mobile phones to school. However, some parents provide phones so that students can contact them after school. All students who need to bring along a mobile phone MUST first have an application form completed and signed by their parents and handed to the classroom teacher. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during school hours. Phones must be given to the classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and then collected at the end of the day. Students seen using mobile phones will have them confiscated and returned to their parent/s. Please see classroom teachers for permission forms.
We remind parents that if you need a message to get to your child during the school day, you are required to contact the school office.
Parking: Parking on the grass areas around the school grounds is not permitted. Parking is only permitted in marked bays around the school.
Additionally, a reminder to all parents that the staff carpark is not a Kiss and Ride nor for parking. The Kiss and Ride is right outside of the staff carpark on Martindale Ave, and it is this location that parents are permitted to drop off students, if dropping at the front of the school. The staff carpark is only permitted for access by staff and other visitors to the school, who are not family members or carers of students.
Lainie Beccegato
Important Dates
2025 Upcoming Events
**Please be aware the dates published are a guide and may change**
Term 1
Interschool Cricket Carnival Yr 5/6
Wednesday- Friday
Harmony day -cultural dress/orange clothing
School Board Meeting P&C Meeting
School closing @ 11.45am
Parent/teacher interviews 12.10-6pm
ANZAC Ceremony @ 9am
Last day of term for students free Dress day (gold coin to Yr6 graduation)
Term 2
Students return to school
P&C Meeting
Thursday -Friday
Mother's day Stall
Yirra Yaakin Drama Group
Yellow Day - Reconciliation week
Yr 5/6 Winter Lightning Carnival
Yr 5/6 Winter Lightning Carnival (RESERVE)
School Board Meeting P&C Meeting
Monday- Thursday
School Photos
Faction Cross Country
Faction Cross Country (RESERVE)
Last day of term for students
Term 3
Students return to school
P&C Meeting
Faction Jumps & Throws (Selected Yr 3-6 students)
Faction Jumps & Throws (Reserve)
Faction Athletics (All students K - Yr 6)
Faction Athletics (Reserve)
Monday to Friday
Book Week
Book Week Parade
Monday to Friday
Science Week
Open Night 4pm- 6pm
School Board Meeting P&C Meeting 7.30pm
Interschool Jumps & Throws (Selcted Yr3-6 students
Interschool Jumps & Throws (Reserve)
Interschool Athletics (Selected Yr1-6 students)
Interschool Athletics (reserve)
Last day of term for students
Term 4
Students return to school
15/10/25- 23/10/25
Wednesday- Friday
Interm Swimming (PP - Yr 6)
P&C Meeting
P & C Disco
Interschool Cross Country
Interschool Cross Country (Reserve)
The Madeley Cup
Remembrance Day Ceremony
5.30pm Open School Board Meeting 7.30pm Open P&C Meeting
Friday 24th October 2025 Friday 19th December 2025
Parent Information
School Chaplain
Hello parents, grandparents and carers,
Well, another year, 2025. I pray that your holiday was refreshing and relaxing.
I am letting you know that I will be finishing on the 21st of Feb. There is a new chaplain starting on 27th Feb. Her name is Jay, she is lovely. She will be a wonderful asset to the school.
I’m incredibly sad to say goodbye, however I have taken a position as a staff member at my church. It was a hard decision as I love your children and will really miss them.
Madeley Primary has been a very lovely school to work at. Staff and parents have been so welcoming, kind and so great to work with.
I thank all the children for making my time here so wonderful and special.
Also, we know sometimes it can be a tough time for some families in one way or another. Please remember there are so many services out there that can lend support.
Please be thinking who could do with a helping hand, an encouraging word, an act of kindness or just a smile that makes there day.
Below are some services available.
Kids Helpline 24/7 Phone and online counselling for young people 5-25
Beyond Blue free 24/7 phone counselling for all age groups with depression or anxiety
Helping minds -mental health services and Carer support.
Is someone in your life living with mental ill-health.
Lifeline 24/7 helpline that provides generalist crisis counselling information and referral services
Building Your Child's Self Esteem Good self-esteem helps children and young people to try new things, take healthy risks and solve problems. Positive self-esteem provides children with a solid foundation for their learning and development and enables them to feel good about themselves. Parents can help build the self-esteem of their children by frequently doing the following with them: • Say “I love you” • Develop and maintain special daily rituals • Let your children help you • Let your child make mistakes and solve some of their own problems • Praise children for trying • Show an interest in the sports or hobbies they are interested in • Eat meals as a family • Seek out one-on-one opportunities often • Praise desirable behaviour (praise should be genuine and specific) • Correct negative behaviour firmly but lovingly • Respect their choices • Celebrate your child’s successes - big and small • Make your children a priority in your life. For more information go to http://raisingchildren.net.au
Caroline Turich: Community Health Nurse Ph: 0429 069 576 Email: caroline.turich@health.wa.gov.au My work days are Mon, Tues, Wed.
The Madeley Primary School Uniform can be purchased from Wanneroo Uniforms.
Join in the fun at our OSHC program, your first session is FREE!
We are excited to announce that your child can now come and try their first day of Outside School Hours Care for FREE! This is a great chance for families and children to see what our Camp Australia program is like.
Not yet registered?
To register and book your child in our program, visit the link belowand use the school finder on our homepage to search for your school. To secure a spot for your child, we always recommend making your bookings in advance.
We look forward to seeing you and your family soon! From the Team at Camp Australia
Community News
Please see NOTICE BOARD for more local clubs located at the end of the newsletter.
The DM Football Academy (DMFA) core purpose is to develop the child’s football and movement skills as well as their social and emotional skill development. DMFA identifies the social and emotional capabilities that all young people need to acquire in order to be successful in school, experience well-being and have positive relationships. We pride ourselves in developing programs that are engaging, supportive, non-competitive and improvement based. This website contains information in regards to the work we do and adheres to providing free resources to support parents, teachers, students and coaches. We have a strong relationship with industry stakeholders and encourage our students to be lifelong and valued members of the community.
Kingsway Olympic is seeking to become the premier soccer club with the best facilities in the Northern Corridor.
Offering coaching by accredited/qualified persons in a friendly, competitive and caring environment.(all relevant personnel have appropriate working with children clearances). Opportunities to participate in specialised coaching clinics. Competitive fees which include a comprehensive MACRON playing kit.
We are a language provider of Macedonian under Government’s Community Languages Program and the single largest provider of Macedonian Language in Western Australia.
We are located at Balcatta House, Albert St Balcatta making it convenient for children from local schools to access the after school program. Wednesdays from 4.30pm to 6.00pm.
All children are welcome and background in Macedonian is not essential. For these students the program gives an opportunity to experience other cultures and develop a broader view of the world as well as make new social connections.
For any related enquiries please contact the Macedonian Community Language School on 9328 7852 or via email on language@macedoniawa.com.au
You are invited to attend the Triple P Seminar Series. You will learn practical, positive and effective ways to deal with common behavioural problems and ways to help your child achieve their best at school and in the future.
To find other available programs visit our website
To find other available programs visit our website
The City of Wanneroo offers fun activities throughout the school holiday for a variety of age groups. Bookings available online, centre locations and pick up & drop off
To find out more about the city’s children’s and youth programs, please send your email address to youth.services@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
Like facebook.com/cowyouth | visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au/cowyouth
Due to the popularity of programs, places can not be held without payment. Bookings are now open and will close three days prior to the program being run. You can find the booking form at wanneroo.wa.gov.au/youthschoolholidays
If you require further information or need help with your booking, please call 9405 5000
Landsdale Junior Cricket Club offers a fantastic cricket experience for boys and girls through the In2Cricket and T20 Blast programs for our younger members (5-9yrs), and club cricket for Under 10’s through to Under 17’s competing in the NWMCA (North West Metropolitan Cricket Association) competition. We have players who come from a wide catchment that covers the northern corridor and a range of northern suburb schools.
Online registrations have now opened for the 2017/18 season, to register please visit www.playcricket.com.au or if you have any questions please email the club at admin@landsdalejcc.com.au
Landsdale Junior Cricket Club is seeking girls interested in forming a team to compete in the “Perth Scorchers Girls League” for the upcoming season.
This is a great opportunity to have fun with your friends and keep active over the summer.
You do not need to have played before just the desire to get together with some friends and get out and have some fun playing cricket.